I have been getting a few gentile jabs as to why I have not posted the second part of this blog. The reason being was that I was probably hasty in naming the blog.
Although both John's made a lasting impression on me. The John I talk about today had a much more profound effect on my life and my soul.
Of course I am sure you all know I am talking about John Karolides. Not only was he like a father to me,he was also my friend. His passing at an early age was not only a shock,but a great personal loss also.
Ever since I decided to relate how I felt about these two men,I have had a delemma.
How do I put into words how I feel about John Karolides. In my mind John was definitely a paradox. To his friends and associates he was a macho man. You could not go anywhere, with out somebody hollering out a greeting to John. It did not matter if it was in East Overshoe, New Hampshire or local. It seemed like everyone knew him and that he knew everybody.
Even though he intimidated me at times,he was the only person that I really could talk to. I could tell him things that I would never tell anyone else. Not only would he listen to me. He would not make light of what I had to say.He would give me good sound advice,usually with a reference to a similar experience of his own.
John had a real feel for his ethnic heritage and valued his family above all else.
Especialy his grandchildren. It was a delight to see them light up and go racing to greet him yelling "Lumpy' "Lumpy"
I spent many hours with John,hunting,fishing,bowling and just hanging around with him and his cronies.It was always just bullshitting,but I learned a lot about Peabody's leather hay day and the Karolides clan in general.
To me John was the best friend I ever had. He was a man of great character and he was very proud of who he was. I remember fondly his wife Muriel ragging on him for some trivial thing and him pretending to be humbled by what she was saying,all the while winking at me behind her back.And her grinning at me,when he was not looking.
So,as there is many things I would like to say about John, I just cannot find the words.To this day I still get a melancholy feeling when ever I think of him. so the only thing I can say is I am proud to have known him! and every one else in the Karolides clan for that matter.
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