The changing of the seasons, always has a had a physiological effect on me. To me autumn has always been depressing. The weather is invigorating, the changing of the foliage to red and gold.Apples,pumpkins, mums and asters. Football, corn stalks and all the Halloween mania is very enjoyable.Yet there always is a feeling of foreboding within me. The turning back of the clocks and the shrinking of daylight hours is very depressing. For someone who enjoys gardening, looking ahead to winter is like house arrest.
Every winter I make a vow, that I will only keep one or two house plants because my apartment is so small. Well I just took a quick inventory and twenty two is the count as we head into February. Now anyone who knows me is well aware of the fact, that I will not be able to resist starting a bunch of annuals from seed come March. So I put a large pot of water to simmer on the stove to keep the humidity level at a point where the plants and I can coexist. I start searching for signs of spring And yes with it getting lighter earlier in the morning and staying lighter a little longer each evening, there are signs that another dreary winter is slowly starting to lose it's grip. Today at the library, I actually saw little eruptions in the mulch, and the tiny shoots of daffodils. Early I know, but a good sign, never the less.I know we are in for more than our share of crappy weather well into April. But, I know I am not the only one who starts searching for signs of spring. I know a person who claims that Groundhog day is her favorite holiday. I know people who venture into low spots searching for pussywillows, and who cut branches off of fruit trees for forcing. And people who cannot wait to purchase that first flat of pansy's
There was a time when seeing a robin was a true omen. But now so many of them winter over,that it seems as though they have adopted that old adage "misery loves company". But soon that dull winter plumage will start working it's way back to it's familiar red. Trees and shrubs will start budding up.The days will get longer. We will turn the clocks ahead. A ump will shout play ball. and we will be back to the most uplifting time of year. Spring the great antidepressant
Every winter I make a vow, that I will only keep one or two house plants because my apartment is so small. Well I just took a quick inventory and twenty two is the count as we head into February. Now anyone who knows me is well aware of the fact, that I will not be able to resist starting a bunch of annuals from seed come March. So I put a large pot of water to simmer on the stove to keep the humidity level at a point where the plants and I can coexist. I start searching for signs of spring And yes with it getting lighter earlier in the morning and staying lighter a little longer each evening, there are signs that another dreary winter is slowly starting to lose it's grip. Today at the library, I actually saw little eruptions in the mulch, and the tiny shoots of daffodils. Early I know, but a good sign, never the less.I know we are in for more than our share of crappy weather well into April. But, I know I am not the only one who starts searching for signs of spring. I know a person who claims that Groundhog day is her favorite holiday. I know people who venture into low spots searching for pussywillows, and who cut branches off of fruit trees for forcing. And people who cannot wait to purchase that first flat of pansy's
There was a time when seeing a robin was a true omen. But now so many of them winter over,that it seems as though they have adopted that old adage "misery loves company". But soon that dull winter plumage will start working it's way back to it's familiar red. Trees and shrubs will start budding up.The days will get longer. We will turn the clocks ahead. A ump will shout play ball. and we will be back to the most uplifting time of year. Spring the great antidepressant
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