As I stated in my blog about the full moon,I think we all are a little ditsy.The fact is that we all have phobias. Now some people will tell you that they are not afraid of anything.But there is actually a name for that. It's called phobophobia. Which means fear of phobia.Which makes it one of the few phobias that I don't have. Most people have a few. If they were to stop and think about it, realize it's probably more then they thought. I'm going to relate to you some of my phobias,with out their fancy long names. I'll bet that most of the few people who read my blogs will be able to relate to some of them.
Fear of heights. This has developed as I have aged. When I was a young man,in mid winter, I would climb up the steeply pitched roof of my house. Day or night,ice,wind or snow. I just had to readjust that UHF antenna,so I could watch a fuzzy broadcast of the big bad Bruins. You could not get me to do that now,for love or money.
Before I get to my most serious phobia,here are a few Minor irritants. People who have to keep touching you while they talk to you. People who pick food from your plate. People who talk with a mouth full of food. People who invade your space. And of course,one I have mentioned before. The smug look down their nose at you type .With that Holier than thou look. AKA smell-a-farts.
This brings me to a problem I have had all my life,"social anxiety".I'm sure this problem goes all the way back to my youth,relating to some of the incidences I have touched in previous blogs. To this day an invitation or summons of any kind upsets me. This condition has caused me to upset my children and ex wives many times. I know it's foolish but I have a real dread of any type of socialising. With this comes a claustrophobic feeling,along with the urge to avoid mirrors and cameras. I still get a shaky feeling when I have to sign some thing in any ones presence.My signature looks like I have been on a bender.
I know it all probably boils down to an inferiority complex. But it's my nature and I try hard to overcome it.Common sense tells me to just ignore these feelings and relax a little.But that's like trying to shut down all those thoughts that run threw your head at night when you are trying to go to sleep. I just can't do it.
To end this dreary blog on a brighter note, the name for the full moon in May, is the Flower moon. The Indians who named it, were also taken with the beauty of spring.
All and all I don't feel like the village idiot,just a little abnormal like everyone else.
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