I consider my self to be a contrarian, not because I am argumentative. But because I feel free to form my own opinions. There is a surprising percentage of people who"go along to get along" I express my thoughts, and if they are contrary,so be it!
But the person I am writing about today is a contrarian in a different sense. He is just a mean son of a bitch, period. I Will not tell you his name. But his neighbors will know right away of whom I speak. Also I do not want to embarrass his mother, nor did I mean her any disrespect when I called him a son of a bitch. It's just that all the other names people call him would have have to be censored. And then this blog would read like a traffic jam,beep,beep,beep,beep etc.
So I will just refer to him as Mr. Rattus. Some people say the only time Mr. Rattus will smile, is when there is a death in his family. I dispute that, I actually saw him smile. One day when he came into the parking lot and saw Simmie's tow truck hooking up to my pickup truck, he broke out with a grin from ear to ear. Plus the fact any family members would have disowned him years ago.
For me to dump on Mr. Rattus. I must first tell you about the place I live. It is named great Meadows Village. It is located just off of Salisbury square on Beach road. It is elderly housing,subsidized by the state of Massachusetts. Now you might ask what is a person of only sixty-nine doing living in a place like that? Well the answer is that it makes sense financially for a retired person to live here. I realize that in this day and age, people of my age are not to far removed from teenyboppers. but in order to be one step ahead of the baby boomers, I took one giant step backwards and became a resident of Great Meadows Village. After all I am hoping to make it to old age some day. ( I will leave it to your imagination, as to how some of these old retards like to alter the logo. By turning great, into a three letter word,starting with g).
Needless to say I don't much like living here. I don't feel as though I really fit. This is no reflection on the majority of the good people who do live here. It's just that the asshole factor chaired by Mr.Rattus and his ilk, far out weigh any positives.
Being a bit reclusive and a little anti-social. I should of heeded one of Groucho Marx's famous quotations "I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member" But I let common sense prevail and here I reside,for better or for worse. We'll see!.
As a resident of Great Meadow Village, I did listen to Groucho and refused to take part in the tenants organization. This organization is chartered to represent the tenants and handle any petty disputes. But basically all it does is plan parties and throw silly little socials. The main reason it has no clot, is that Mr.Rattus makes the organizations, elected officers life so miserable that there is a constant turn over in board officers. I have seen more presidents come and go than Tiger has had dalliances.
To be a good neighbor and to offset my snub of the tenant's organization,I maintain some strategically located flower beds for all the tenants to enjoy. This gesture of goodwill, I paid for out of my own pocket. Little did I know that this would burn Mr.Rattus's rectum. And be the start of a feud.
Now I know feuding with a neighbor is inane. But this man is a bully. and just like back in the school yard, sooner or later someone has to say enough. I have watched as he has driven two different women tenants out of the unit that is over his. They did not go easy it took months,but after many shouting matches,police visits and court dates, he just wore them down. I have seen him throw screaming fits at visitors who mistakenly park in his allotted parking spot. He has filed so many complaints with the police department,that the Chief is at his wits end with him. He has to respond to his nonsense,just to protect his department. I saw him cuffed and arrested for screaming at and physically pushing another elderly tenant. Two years ago he was put on probation for a year by the housing authority. Any stunts and he would be evicted.Needless to say there were many hi-jinks,but he is still here. I'm not going to bore you with all the other transgressions. His type is protected by the inane judicial systems and bureaucrats who are only tough when it comes to dealing with the meek. Bullies themselves.
So in my further adventures with Mr.Rattus,we come to the big wooden shed that was donated to the tenant organization by a local contractor. This shed was to replace the big tent that was used by the tenants who were smokers. Because by law they could not smoke in the community hall. I was approached and asked my advice about flower boxes. They wanted a box under each window. I responded that I would make and maintain them as part of my gesture of taking care of the flower beds and being a good neighbor.
In steps Mr. Rattus with an injunction preventing them from smoking in the shed. The law being that it was a state building, thus no smoking. now the smokers have to stand out in the elements and smoke. There is no longer any room to put up another tent. So the shed sits empty, Mr Rattus makes quick checks two or three times a day to make sure no one is sneaking in there and smoking. On a few occasions he has caught them, and ugly shouting matches follow. What a guy! So the flower boxes I made still sit in the maintenance shop. I will either give them away or just leave them where they are until the great shed fiasco is resolved.
Mr Rattus has reported me to the administrator many times. On one of those occasions I wish what he had reported was true.
If cats and dogs were humans, cats would be the gentry and dogs would all have to be registered as sex offenders,Just look at the way dogs great each other!, their toilet manners and not to mention public fornication. Where as cats do all of these things in private. So when Mr. Rattus reported that my cat's piss had landed on his head and face, after Igor had relieved him self on my deck.(Igor is a misnomer,he was no monster). I was elated, even though I knew it could not possibly be true. But I had to respond to this heinous charge anyway.
So as spring approaches,and I plan my flower beds I do not expect to see Mr. Rattus prancing around with rainbows arching out of his butt. My experience is the only people who suddenly see the light are the one's who get hit by lightning or those who are strapped into an electric chair.
Addendum: April 27, 2010
Recently I was asked by one of my neighbors, if I thought Mr. Rattus was ill or if maybe he had mellowed. The reason being, said rat had not publicly, made life uncomfortable for any of the residents for a couple of weeks. I agreed with the sick part. But assured my neighbor , that the rat was probably in his nest plotting some kind of nonsensical revenge, for some imagined slight.
Today he oozed out of his warren with the news that he was petitioning the court to have a rose trellis evicted from the property. How something as charming and harmless as a trellis has offended his sensibilities, seems incredulous. But the truth is, he feels that any land abutting his unit is his. But of course as all the tenants know the lawns and gardens are common property.
However he will go to court where the judge scared shitless of the do-gooders of our society will take a real bold stance. That being that he will take it under advisement, or some other kind of legalese jargon. Such as the last case ,which was just as inane, where he bravely came back with a no finding verdict.Which will mean he just hopes this trivial nonsense will just go away.
But the rat will be proud of himself and he will be strutting around and acting like he was the mayor of Gotham.
There are many happy people when ever a despot or a tyrant buys the dirt farm. As sad as it is to say. This is the only person I know, who will actually bring smiles to the majority of people who know him, when his time comes.
You sure have a gift for writing, skillfully choosing just the right words to express your experiences and opinions so your readers fully understand exactly how you feel. You couldn’t have sleep through all your English classes!