I do not claim to be overly bright or a very gifted computer user. I think this puts me somewhere in the middle of the pack. And as far as using this medium for paying bills and communicating goes,maybe a little below average
In my last blog I was very critical of Comcast's product delivery and website. I did not do this to be malicious. I was just venting, and sharing my thoughts with whom ever might be interested.
To my surprise I got a response in the comment section of my blog. I was surprised on two fronts. One being that most all of my readers, shy away from the comment section. And respond via email. The second surprise being the respondent. A Mr. Mark Casem from the customer relations department at Comcast. His response was that he would like to address the issues that concerned me. So he invited me to contact him. My first reaction was oh Christ, big brother is watching me. But after talking things over with my daughter Diana and looking at blogging in general, it only makes sense sense that they would monitor and react to negative blogs.
So on March second I sent him my email address and telephone number. I figured that would be the end of this little story. But the very next day I received a phone call from Janis Falzone, who is the New England Representative of the customer relations department. She invited me to unload all of my real or imagined grievance's. Well I was on the phone with her for a good half hour and found her to be a good listener and sincere. Now these are traits you would expect to find in a diplomat. So she certainly seems to be well suited for that position.When we parted she promised to look into my allegations and then she would get back to me.
To give the devil his due, I was impressed with,what seemed like good intentions.
Talking about being average, that's just about where I feel I fit in, as far as coping with all the little every day vexations.But when it comes to coping with the new age blister packs and child proof packing. I am mediocre at best! With these new reclosable plastic bags,where it says tear here. For me that's mission impossible, and I promptly reach for my scissors. As far as child proof bottles go. First I have to fumble with that plastic seal around collar, and then have a trial and error sequence until I get it lined up right. This has to be done well in advance of when needed. Especially with any medication that I am hoping to get instant relief from. As far as blister pack goes, it is a perfect name for this type of packaging. I understand the concept.The product is well protected from damage in transit,and is not easily opened by shoplifters.
So the shoplifter just takes the whole package.This still leaves the consumer who purchases one of the packages that the thief missed, a real dilemma. How to get the aptly named blister pack open. After much trial and error,I suggest a reciprocating saw.
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