In response to a statement from a reader of my blogs. I can only repeat what I have vowed in previous blogs. That is to tell things the way I remember them sans hearsay. And to express my opinion of how I felt about said occurrences,then and now. As you know as we get older,we tend to view things in a different light.
This person I consider to be a brother, though we are not related. we lived in the same house as family for many years.The five year difference in our ages,seems to have caused us to reflect differently on our childhood.
He stated that after reading my blogs, he now understood where my far flung ideas came from. The way I interpreted that statement,was that to him my blogs were far fetched and nothing more than a figment of my imagination. So I asked him, if by far flung he meant whacky? His reply to my question was a vague reference to how he had finally seen the light and was now a devout Mormon.He went on to say how he believes the bible to be true and that someday he expects to have his own spaceship and to be transported to another dimension. I hope for his sake everything he believes is true. And that someday his hope that he too will be resurrected will transpire.
He went on to say.That he could relate to the attitude of the elders at Emmanuel church. Because of his experience's as an employee of Walmart. He had to regularly deal with out of control kids. and with parents who were just as delinquent.
After reading all his remarks about religion. I came to the conclusion, that he was
referring to the comments I made in my blog "Supposition" In which I stated that I am a agnostic. I also said that I did not believe in the tall tales of the bible. UFOs or any other unfounded hearsay. So if I offended him in any way I am sorry. I know that religion to some people is worth going to war over.
The point I was trying to make is, that there is always a good common sense answer to all of our ignorance's. I do not see how you could be an agnostic,without being a realist.
As far as the church hypocrites he defends. I don't think we were any worse acting then their kids were. And probably not nearly as sneaky.
I am sure his attempt to get me to try to see the light was done with affection and concern for my soul. However I feel quite comfortable with my beliefs.
The one thing that I have always wondered about crusaders! are they trying to convince me.or themselves?
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