I have three very intelligent daughter's that I love very much. They are about the same height and fair of complexion. That's where the similarities end. They each have diverse life styles and outlooks on life.
How ever, it is plain to see that some where in their genes,they were blessed with intellect and an insatiable craving for caffeine. They say that characteristics in hereditary some times skip a few generations. So I'm thinking some of their psyche and caffeine fixes, can be tied directly to their great great grandfather. antiqbook.com/boox/cum/36393.shtml
He was an electrical engineer and an inventor with hundreds of patents to his credit. I can boast that he was a genius because it is true. All you have to do is google, Hermann Lemp and you will find reams of historical information about him. I can also can verify the fact, that somewhere between the time I was born and the time I entered the first grade I lost my second n. Right there is proof positive, that his genes skipped my generation.
So though my great grandfather is famed for his development of generators, alternators and diesel engines. I think he had a caffeine addiction similar to my girls. Hence his invention of what was called a controlling device. (see picture to the right) Which at the time was the first electrically controlled timer, So that you could smell the coffee perking,when the alarm clock rudely started your day.
In my great grandfathers day coffee had silly little nick names like java, Joe or a cup of mud. And the only embellishment was cream and sugar. Not only was it inexpensive, but the servers were proud to boast that their establishment served bottom less cups. But in this day and age, it seems as though the more outlandish the name, the steeper the price. So with names that would give an orthographer a headache. Cockamamie concoctions, that would make a soda jerk proud, my daughters proudly imbibe and extol the virtue of a variety of lattes. So if Hermann was around these parts today he would probably be sitting around with the girls, sipping on an exorbitantly priced cup of coffee. Commiserating with them, the fact that if their father wasn't so miserly, he could be having a delightful cup of Joe with them.
However that is their father's curse. I just cannot enjoy trendy things at inflated prices. You have all heard over the years all the old adages about doing stupid things. Like jumping off of a bridge etc. So my excuse is I am not going with the flow, because I am trying to be circumspect. And also somewhere in the Lemp genes there must have been a tight wad of epic proportions.And his genes are predominate in me.
I don't want you to think I am slighting Joe, I will get to him on another day.
Getting back to my missing n. It's still there on my birth certificate. I always thought that it was my fault that it was missing on everything else. I really struggled my first two years of school, For traumatic reasons, that I touched on in previous blogs. So when I over heard my first grade teacher tell another teacher, that she had a few pupils, who could not spell their names. I some how figured that I was the culprit in the case of the missing n. But know I think that who ever enrolled me into that school, must be responsible for that dastardly deed.
The teachers were very stern and rigid in their approach back then. So if I misspelled my name I am sure I would have had too print it correctly on the blackboard it least one hundred times.
I remember the same first grade teacher forcing my brother Noel, a natural southpaw to write right handed. This went on for weeks, he just could not do it. He was belittled and made fun of.
The school systems of today may be to lax. But it least they are aware, that every shy or retiring student, may have more problems,than stupidity.
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