I'm sure that you have noticed that I have not been posting any of my inane blogs.
The reason being, the great spring weather. When the weather is nice you will rarely find me indoors. And of course in the evenings, I have to monitor MLB.
But on this rainy June day, I want to tell you about two discovery's I have made. In a past blog I told you about my daily walking experiences. As you know we all seem to evolve into a set routine. So my walks to the seashore and the Salisbury beach State reservation were becoming rather mundane.
So with an eye for a different route to tread. I found surprising close to my complex, two extraordinary trails. This trails are for biking, walking and jogging, Salisbury residents should swell up with pride for possessing these great recreation areas. Not only are they well maintained, the they are are beautiful.The Salisbury Point Ghost trail goes threw a thickly wood area. There is a canopy of trees, arched over the trail. Which on a sunny day makes for a nice long shady walk. It takes about one hour to walk from one end to the other, So it's about two hours round trip. Maybe longer if you stop to read the signs. These signs tell you about the ghost trains. And also about the great train robbery of the early 1900's.
The second trail is an absolute gem. This trail know as the old eastern marsh trail has just been completed. This trail is paved and takes about a half hour to traverse. The marsh scenery is awesome,the birding is awesome. I can only imagine how beautiful this area will be at the height of the leaf peeping season.
I had this trail all to my self on this rainy day. And I was rewarded by having a hawk circle over me and swoop down and capture a fish right before my eyes.
Every one young or old should walk these trails at least once.
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